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He remained one of her best friends until his sudden death on Christmas Day 2016.

And looking back in a new interview, Shirlie Kemp admitted that she fondly remembers George Michael as 'compassionate but hilarious' as she detailed his 'beautiful combination' of personality traits.

The former Wham! backing singer also recalled Pepsi Demacque-Crockett's first time on stage with the band in an extract from their new book titled Pepsi & Shirlie: It’s All in Black and White.

Fond memories: In a new interview, Shirlie Kemp, 59, admitted that she fondly remembers George Michael as 'compassionate but hilarious' (pictured together in 1986)

George famously introduced Shirlie to her Spandau Ballet husband Martin Kemp - who she married in 1988 - and was Godfather to their two children Roman, 28, and Harley, 32.

Shirlie told Mirror: 'I knew George as a friend way before Wham!, way before fame. He was adorable and his sense of humour, he could laugh at himself.

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'It was his empathy and his wit. To be that compassionate but that hilarious was a beautiful combination.'

Shirlie also tells in the book how she visited George in the final weeks before his tragic death and asked if he'd enjoyed his life and the fame, revealing that he said 'yes'.

Loved: 'It was his empathy and his wit. To be that compassionate but that hilarious was a beautiful combination' said Shirlie of George (Pictured in 2005)

Old friends: George famously introduced Shirlie to her Spandau Ballet husband Martin Kemp - who she married in 1988 (Martin pictured with George in 1984)

Family: The couple have two children: photographer Harley Moon, 32, and Capital Breakfast radio host Roman, 28 (pictured in 2019)

Pepsi joined Wham! in 1983, replacing Dee C, Lee, and in an extract from their new book, shared with The Mirror, Shirlie recalls Pepsi cementing her place in the group.

She writes: 'I glanced over at Pepsi. There is nothing that can prepare you for performing in front of thousands of people. Really, the numbers lose all meaning. You have no idea of how many people are in front of you. It's just a wall of joy.'

Shirlie notes how Pepsi was 'in her element' and sweetly adds that the newest member of the band 'looked as though she had come home.'

She continues: 'We were barely off-stage when the three of us ran to Pepsi, desperate to share the magical feeling. 'Did you love it?' cried Andrew. 'You were brilliant!' said George. 'Isn't it amazing? Isn't it great? I added. Pepsi nodded, beaming... From that moment on, she was with the band.'

Memories: Shirlie also recalled Pepsi Demacque-Crockett's first time on stage with the Wham! in an extract from their new book Pepsi & Shirlie: It’s All in Black and White (Pictured in 1985)

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Incredible: Shirlie notes how Pepsi was 'in her element' and sweetly adds that the newest member of the band 'looked as though she had come home'

Wham! last performed together at WHAM! The Final concert at Wembley in June 1986 and despite multiple rumours of a reunion, never reunited as a group.

However, the bond they shared has remained solid over the course of three decades, thanks largely to their mutual friendship with George.

After Wham! ended, the two women formed a duo Pepsi and Shirlie and had two UK top ten hits with Heartache and Goodbye Stranger.

At last year’s Cannes Lions Festival, PepsiCo’s president Brad Jakeman energetically talked up its decision to form Creators League Studio, a new in-house content creation arm.

Laying down the gauntlet to ad agencies, he barked: “Instead of five pieces of content a year, a brand like Pepsi needs about 5,000 pieces of content a year. Instead of taking six months to develop an ad, we have six hours or six days. And instead of it costing $2m, it needs to cost $20,000.”


PepsiCo, he said, was sick and tired of the complicated structure that working with ad agencies created. “There is no infrastructure to advertisers to be able to quickly produce that content. You have to patch it together. Certainly the traditional agencies can’t do it.”

Following this week’s controversy, Jakeman might regret these comments, according to Lucky General’s founder Andy Nairn.

Pepsi’s tone-deaf ad featured model Kendall Jenner as the leader of a group of protestors, who awkwardly mirrored the Black Lives Matter movement. And after the campaign, which was created by the soft drink brand’s in-house creation arm, insulted the daughter of Martin Luther King and created a mass social media backlash, Pepsi was forced to pull it and issue a groveling apology.

Should Pepsi have enlisted an agency?

Nairn believes Jakeman’s Cannes comments suggest Pepsi’s in-house team worked so quickly on the Jenner campaign that it failed to properly vet it for controversy.

“Look, I own an ad agency so I’m sure people will say I have a vested interest here, but what happened at Pepsi clearly shows the dangers of not having an external perspective,” he tells Marketing Week.

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“Agencies mess up too, we get it wrong all the time. But if you run an in-house creative department like Pepsi does you need to really interrogate your own approach and make sure you’re not blinkered by your own brand. It is clear Pepsi didn’t do that.”

Nairn adds: “It is basic common sense that if you are surrounded by people who live and breathe your brand when creating an ad, then you’re much more prone to disaster than working with an ad agency, who will take a more balanced approach.

“Yes, an agency will take longer to make an ad, but a longer trial and error approach typically avoids controversy so it’s worth it.”

The diversity debate

A poll of 754 marketing professionals conducted by Marketing Week in partnership with One Poll’s consumer survey reveals nearly half (42%) of marketers believe the brands they work for are failing to reflect a contemporary, racially-diverse, society in their marketing and advertising.

And on the agency side only 13.1% of staff currently come from a black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) background, according to the IPA.

It is basic common sense that if you are surrounded by people who live and breathe your brand when creating an ad, then you’re much more prone to disaster.

Andy Nairn, Lucky Generals

These stats show the marketing industry rarely seeks diverse voices when creating content, so surely Pepsi’s failure stems from a wider industry failing? While Nairn agrees both brands and agencies need to hire more racially diverse marketers, he believes the Pepsi controversy would have still happened regardless.

He adds: “Even if an in-house agency is filled with people of colour then they will still likely become so wedded to the brand, and see things through the lens of the brand, that they fail to spot tone or how the outside world perceives their brand. Diversity is a broader issue.

“We talk a lot about drinking the cool aid but Pepsi is an example of a organisation drinking too much of its own fizzy liquid.”

Prioritising market research

Yet, a possible lack of diversity in Pepsi’s own team is not the only issue. For Fern Miller, chief strategy officer at DigitasLBi, Pepsi failed because it didn’t reach out to protest groups.

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“Corporations like PepsiCo need to over-index in how much they worry about the outside world perceiving them yet somehow there’s stil a sense of tunnel vision,” she explains.

“If you get involved with the protest movement in your ad then you need to really engage with these people on the front line and try to understand the nuances of what they are doing. If you don’t, well, then you can see what the results will look like.”

Pepsi experienced a “difficult” 2016 with its brand value dropping by 4% to $18.3bn according to Brand Finance, with it stating the Kendal Jenner controversy “could create further losses in the value and strength of its brand”.

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Brand Finance could have a point. Pepsi’s buzz score is statistically significantly down over the last week, according to YouGov BrandIndex. Over this period, its buzz has fallen a massive 9.5 points to -9.2, placing it bottom on a table of the UK’s 26 biggest carbonated drinks brands.

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Ultimately, Miller says the in-house vs agency debate is irrelevant. To avoid a similar brand meltdown, it all comes down to doing proper market research.

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She concludes: “This theory was invented in 1960s and 1970s that advertising went after the views of the public before it launched an ad – it is called planning and research. Sometimes when you work for yourself you lose all perspective. Brands and agencies just need to make sure there’s somebody on their team who reflects the voice of the consumer. I don’t think Pepsi had that here.”