What Men Lookk For In A Woman Response On Dating Site

The 3 most important components to an attractive dating profile are your photos, headline, and text. Here are 4 online dating profiles examples to attract men, and some tips to ensure you don’t send the wrong signal: 1. Look at Other People’s Profiles for Ideas. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that appears to be true. Join best and completely Cougar dating look and meet Cougar singles. It comes to date younger handsome men in a very effective site for cougars.

By Salma OwaisSubmitted On October 05, 2010

Men who never fail in their first attempt when approaching women are very lucky. These men are very smart and charming in their ways and expressions. It is not necessary that a very dashing guy who is extremely handsome will never be put down. What is more important for a woman is that a guy must be very gentle with his words and make her feel very comfortable in his company.

It doesn't matter that a guys doesn't have the awesome macho looks. Most guys who frequently fail in their attempts of persuading women on dates try to follow the tips of adopting better look by joining gym. They think that it is only the looks that work. If this is so then unfortunately you are on the wrong path of learning. You are just wasting your time and money.

No doubt looks are an important component to attract women but even you're well maintained and don't know what to utter then you will really look stupid. Young girls can be carried away with flirty pickup lines. But with age and experience; over 30 dating demands more.

A friend of mine has normal stature and is also bald. He doesn't have the so-called good looks but he is never rejected by women. This might be really surprising for most men who incidentally see such a guy boldly dating many women. There are times when pickup lines even with good looks aren't even effective. Thus one needs to surf the internet and properly explore the tips of over 30 dating.

When men join over 30 dating sites on internet, one big mistake they make is that don't give much significance to their profiles. Men who have serious dating intentions must make a complete profile filling in every criteria like what kind of a woman they are looking for and must mention about their own potentials and capabilities of being a good partner. Women are definitely impressed by this kind of profile as it gives an impression that the guy is sensible enough and is not just around for fun. A focused profile gives same idea about his personality.

The second step after making a considerable profile is to approach a lady with some realistic thoughts rather than some common pick up line or a wink. Women mostly ignore the usual macho approach as there is nothing that attracts them. Most of the women are really tired of the lame dialogues. So when men over 30 date online or face to face, they must come up expressing something that sounds specific for the lady which is true and mature.

If you are interested in over 30 dating then visit our plus 30 dating website for membership, dating advice, ideas and stories.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Salma_Owais/540752

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MLA Style Citation:
Owais, Salma 'Over 30 Dating - Why Most Men Never Get a Response on First Attempt.' Over 30 Dating - Why Most Men Never Get a Response on First Attempt. 5 Oct. 2010 EzineArticles.com. 22 Dec. 2021 <http://ezinearticles.com/?Over-­30-­Dating-­-­-­Why-­Most-­Men-­Never-­Get-­a-­Response-­on-­First-­Attempt&id=5154114>.
APA Style Citation:
Owais, S. (2010, October 5). Over 30 Dating - Why Most Men Never Get a Response on First Attempt. Retrieved December 22, 2021, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Over-­30-­Dating-­-­-­Why-­Most-­Men-­Never-­Get-­a-­Response-­on-­First-­Attempt&id=5154114
Chicago Style Citation:
Owais, Salma 'Over 30 Dating - Why Most Men Never Get a Response on First Attempt.' Over 30 Dating - Why Most Men Never Get a Response on First AttemptEzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Over-­30-­Dating-­-­-­Why-­Most-­Men-­Never-­Get-­a-­Response-­on-­First-­Attempt&id=5154114

Looking for some of the best opening lines for online dating sites and apps?

The online dating world is competitive, especially for men. That’s why it’s important that you grab a girl’s attention fast. Besides setting up a killer profile, you need to have some great online dating openers ready to intrigue her.

During my 100-date experiment, I analyzed thousands of dating profiles. When you deliver awesome opening lines for online dating sites and apps, your chances of connecting with quality women increase greatly.

On the other hand, when your online dating openers fall flat, you’re basically guaranteed a hard left swipe.

But don’t worry. I’m here to help. Below, I have listed 31 of the top opening lines for online dating sites and apps. I’ve used my expertise to create these lines so that you don’t have to stress about it. And to keep you on track, I am also including an explanation on why certain lines work.

However, before we get into that, I’d be remiss if I didn’t offer some examples of what I consider the worst online dating openers. Avoid using these types of lines at all costs:

  • Anything explicitly sexual

  • “DTF?” NO!

  • Snarky comments

  • Negative openers. Women want positivity, so exude that in your messages

  • TMI. No one needs to hear about how crazy your ex-girlfriend is or how alimony has been a real b**ch since your divorce. Save super personal stuff for if you get to a third date.

  • “Hey,” “Hello,” or “How are you?” While these are certainly benign, playing it safe doesn’t mean you’re being strategic. Don’t open with something generic or boring.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, onto the…..

30 Best Opening Lines for Online Dating and Dating Apps

#1: Ask her a question about a passion of hers….

Take a good look at the question my test user sent to a Facebook Dating user in the above screenshot. It reads: “how would you end homelessness?”

Then see this woman’s 15 line response!!

Boom, a huge success. Here’s some reasons why my test user’s opening line is so powerful:

  • He asked a question and ended with a ?.

  • The question is about something the female user is passionate about.

  • The female user realized my test user took time to read her bio.

Guys, the clients of mine who have the most success always take the time to at least scan dating profiles of women who they’re interested in. They look for commonalities to try and create an emotional response. That’s the goal.

Now scroll through the below questions. Don’t just pick out a question and send at random.

If you see that a woman is super active, then send her question #3. If you see that she loves dogs, send her question #6. You’re always welcome to customize the below lines.

#2: “Serious question for you. Best discovery — avocados or Amazon?”

This line is an example of either/or questions. I love using these types of openers because it’s fun and prompts an interesting conversation. Also, this example offers a dash of humor. Whenever you can insert something witty, do so.

Line #3: “Which do you like better, hiking or biking?”

This is another example of an either/or question. However, the strategy here isn’t to break the ice by making her laugh. If she lists that she likes being active (hence the hiking or biking question), ask her what activity she likes best.

When you find out, you can craft a compelling date idea based on her answer.

Line #4: “If you were a fruit, you would be a fine-apple. Correction: An organic fine-apple.”

Now, you really need to gauge a woman’s sense of humor before going the cheesy pickup line route. This is one of the many reasons I encourage guys to read a woman’s complete profile before messaging her. Her profile is basically a guidebook on what types of things would be good to mention in an opening line and continued messages. Moreover, her listed interests are what you should use to plan the first date with her.

If she comes off as quirky and seems like the type that would chuckle over this type of line go for it. This type of opening line would work especially well if you meet her on Green Singles or if her profile indicates that she is very health-conscious.

Line #5: “Do you read Dr. Seuss? Because Green Eggs and DAMMMNNN!”

Like the third line, this is one that can be successful if she seems like someone who would enjoy this type of humor.

Line#6: “Question: Big dogs, little dogs, or this dog?”

In this opening line example, you would then post a picture of your adorable dog (or a friend’s) to compel her to respond. Cute animals are always a win.

Line #7: “Capo’s is where it’s at. Have you ever been to Grinders?”

If you live in San Francisco, you may be familiar with Capo’s. It’s an awesome place that serves Chicago-style pizza. Grinders is another place that serves deep dish pizza.

This example is drawing from something a woman listed as an interest in her profile and asking an open-ended question. You don’t have to use Capo’s, obviously, when you message a girl. But everyone loves to eat, so if she has a food-based interest in her profile, run with it.

Line #8: “Before we get to know each other, I just need to put it out there that I will kill all the spiders for you.”

No one wants to be caught alone in a room with a spider. Knowing you would be her knight in shining armor is a great and playful way to open*.

*Note: Don’t use this line if she has a pet tarantula.

Line #9: Don’t Use a Line, Just This Gif

When in doubt, gifs can make great opening lines on dating sites and apps.

Line #10: “So I guess this means we’re exclusive now, right? ;)”

This is a great way to flirt and be playful in your opener.

Line #11: “Anchorman was a great one — a classic, really. So what do we think about the sequel? Yay or nay?”

You don’t have to mention Anchorman, but any comment you can make regarding a movie or TV show she likes is a good icebreaker.

Line #12: “I love [insert comedian she likes here]! Have you seen [insert similar comedian here] do standup? He’s pretty rad as well.

Line #13: “You look like you could make any outfit work, but that cold shoulder just doesn’t suit you.”

This isn’t so much an opening line as it is a good response if you get radio silence back. I suggest always trying to overcome an objection a couple times before moving on.

Line #14: “Favorite comedian, actor, and singer? Go!”

This is another way to build rapport by finding shared interests.

Line #15: “I just want to let you know straight away that I don’t send unsolicited dick picks. I do send unsolicited duck pics.”

Line #16: “I don’t mean to brag but I happen to be very good at opening jars.”

Like killing spiders, this is something that will never go unappreciated.

Opening Line #17: “I hear you like bad boys. I’m bad at everything.”

Line #18: “That’s awesome that you’re into [insert famous artist here]. There’s actually an exhibit on him this Saturday if you’re interested.”

Once again, I’m throwing in an “art” thing for the sake of an example. But you can use anything as long as it’s based on an interest listed in her profile.

When you hone in on an interest, use this to move toward a TDL. A TDL is what we here at EmLovz refer to as a date’s call-to-action. It stands for Time, Date, and Location.

Don’t wait too long during an online dating conversation to ask a woamn on a date that is based on her interests and offers a specific TDL. Doing this will make it way more likely for her to agree. Women, in general, like it when a man initiates things as far as a first date goes. If you cut to the chase and have a cool date idea ready, she will probably find it very refreshing and be more compelled to meet you.

Line #19: “You had me at cold cuts.”

This is assuming a girl said she loved cold cuts. But really you can use the “You had me at…” for anything and just insert an interest.

Line #20: “I’ll binge watch [insert show she loves here] with you anytime.”

Line #21: “Has anyone ever told you that you look like [insert actress/famous person she resembles here]? Only that you’re a lot better looking?”

Line #22: “I will brunch so hard with you if you let me.”

Women. Love. Brunch.

Line #23: “Do you think it’s strange when men say they’re fans of The Bachelor? And can you tell that this is my way of telling you I’m a fan of The Bachelor?

Don’t be shy about your love of #BachelorNation. We’re always looking for someone new to join the viewing party.

Line #24: “If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you would have to have with you?”

Line #25: “Typical us, right? Me writing you messages and you not responding?”

This is a cheeky way to message her if she’s gone radio silent on you. Remember, you need to try to overcome her objection two times before moving on. So if she doesn’t respond to this line, follow up with…

Line #26: “I’m at [insert number here]. Give me a call if you want me to take you to get the best deep dish pizza you’ve ever had ;)”

Line #25: “When is the last time you sang to yourself or to someone else?”

Line #27: “You’re cute, but are you friendly?”

This is another playful line that can lead to some fun, flirty banter.

Line #28: “What are you most proud of in life, but never have a chance to share with other people?”

Don’t be afraid to dive a little deep. You don’t want to get overly personal, but a question like this can be a great way to allow you both to open up. Before things go too far, find a good point to ask a date using a TDL and you can continue these types of conversations face-to-face.

Line #29: “Are you a morning person or a night owl?”

Hey man, commonalities matter. What if you move in to a small 1 bedroom apartment with said girl and she’s up until 3 am while you gotta get up at 6am for work?

Line #30: “Let’s just skip to the important stuff. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?”

If her dating profile has concert pics this may be a good line to get a laugh out of her.

What Men Lookk For In A Woman Response On Dating Site

What Men Look For In A Woman Response On Dating Site Youtube

Line #31: “Should we talk for a while or do you want to just cut to the part where I take you out on the best date you’ve ever had?”

This may be a great line for my east coasters out there.

What Men Look For In A Woman Response On Dating Site Pictures

Line #32: “Molly, will you accept this rose?

What Men Lookk For In A Woman Response On Dating Site Free

What woman doesn’t love The Bachelor and want to be swooped up by Prince Charming?

Want More Opening Lines for Online Dating Sites and Apps?

If this list wasn’t enough for you, make sure to checkout a couple other articles of mine that are similar….

I also provide personalized coaching services via Skype. If this is more your style, then head over to my calendar and book a 1-on-1 session with me today.

During our introductory session, we will come up with a dating action plan that is tailored to your personality, concerns, and needs. We’ll also discuss my 3 month coaching program to see if it’s a fit for you.